

Primary School

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disabilities

Sellindge is a small school and we know all our pupils well. We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities.


The specific objectives of our SEND Policy and Information Report are:

  • to identify students with additional educational needs and disabilities and ensure that their needs are met
  • to ensure that students with additional educational needs and disabilities are enabled to join in with all the activities of the school
  • to ensure that all learners make the best possible progress
  • to ensure parents are informed of their child's additional needs and that there is effective communication between parents and school
  • to ensure that learners express their views and are fully involved in decisions which affect their education
  • to promote effective partnership and involve outside agencies when appropriate.


The named SEND coordinator for the school is Mr Matt Griffin.  Mr Griffin can be contacted via email at .


A member of the Governing body takes a special interest in SEND, although the Governing Body as a whole is responsible for making provision for pupils with special educational needs. The school has a minimum of one teaching assistant in each class who implements support and intervention programmes under the guidance of the SEN co-ordinator and the class teacher.


The Governing Body has agreed with the LA admissions criteria which do not discriminate against pupils with additional education needs or disabilities, and its admissions policy has due regard for the guidance in the Codes of Practice which accompany the SEN and Disability Act 2001. Parents or carers seeking the admission of a pupil with mobility difficulties are advised to approach the school well in advance so that consultations can take place.

Autism Education Trust Training


We regularly review the schools’ training programme and CPD for staff to ensure we can deliver high quality support for all Children with SEND.

As part of our support for children with Autism our whole school has completed / accessed the Autism Education Trust, Making Sense of Autism Module.

This is an awareness-raising module for all staff in the school community. The module provides participants with an introduction to autism and the reasonable adjustments that need to be considered when working with autistic pupils.

Learning objectives

After completing ‘Making Sense of Autism’, participants will be able to:

· Understand the importance of getting to know the pupil as an individual.

· Approach autism as a difference rather than as a disorder or impairment.

· Understand the importance of identifying the strengths and needs of autistic pupils.

· Know how three areas of difference can affect autistic pupils.

· Appreciate how important it is to listen to and learn from the perspectives of autistic pupils.

· Reflect on and implement reasonable adjustments to support autistic pupils you work with.


Some/ All of our staff have also completed the Good Autism Practice Module

This is a module for practitioners who work directly with autistic children in school settings, and it provides guidance on processes and tools that can help practitioners to implement good autism practice.

Learning Objectives

After completing ‘Good Autism Practice in Schools’, participants will be able to:

· Develop their knowledge of how the key areas of difference can impact on the learning of autistic pupils.

· Understand the importance of involving the pupil and family in the pupil’s education.

· Consider the approaches, strategies, and adaptations they can implement to remove barriers to participation and learning for autistic pupils.

· Reflect on how knowledge about autism and the individual autistic pupil can inform the one-page profile and the pupil-centred education plan.

Speech and Language Support at Sellindge

Our school works to support speech, language and communication with support from our NHS link speech & language therapist Karen Sheppard as well as specialist teachers. You child may come into contact with Karen within their classroom or around school. The SENCo , Diane, will have regular meetings with Karen to discuss our school’s provision.


If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language or communication skills, please speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance.


If we have discussed a specific concern with you about your child’s speech, language or communication, or you have raised a concern, we will decide together whether to discuss this with our link therapist. You will be kept informed of any plans to support your child.

SEND Policy and Information Report

To view the Kent Local Offer for special educational needs use the link below.

Further Information
