Our school has a lively and supportive School Association. As parents of children in this school you automatically become members.
This gives many opportunities to develop the partnership between home and school, to get to know staff and parents in an informal way, and to join in with many enjoyable social activities. These include a Christmas Fair, Discos, competitions and a Summer Fair.
These activities have raised valuable funds for the school. Meetings are held regularly in school and we invite you to come and join in.
Notices of each meeting are advertised via SWaN and the Association sends out regular newsletters.
We have been asked by parents to create a mechanism by which you could support the school on a regular basis, as well as supporting us when we run our usual events for you, your families and our community, raising much needed funds for our school. The school does not have a voluntary fund system but, in lieu of this, should you wish, you would be able to support the pupils' education and enrichment needs by making contributions to the SSA charity. The charity exists for the sole benefit of the pupils of Sellindge Primary School. So, please do consider making a regular contribution - no matter how small or large - so that we can continue to improve the education of our children in the village primary school. Alternatively, single donations can be made via our Facebook and JustGiving pages.
Many Thanks,
The Sellindge School Association (SSA)