

Primary School

Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day

Sellindge Primary School Governing Body

Sellindge Primary School Governing Body, including areas of responsibility


Terence Alcock (Chair)

Co-opted Governor

Leadership and Management

Governor SEF, (HT Appraisal)

Estates and Finance

Compliance, Health and Safety, Website


Diane Clark (Vice Chair)

Co-opted Governor

Leadership and Management

Governor SEF, (HT Appraisal)


Jenny Hollingsbee (Training Governor)

 Co-opted Governor

Quality of Education

Data, EYFS, Pupil Premium

Headteacher Appraisal


Oliver Bruce

Co opted Governor

Vulnerable Children 

SEND, Pupil Premium, EAL, Forces and Traveller Children, Tutoring


Marek Drzymalski

Parent Governor

Quality of Education

Data, EYFS


Daniel Bennett

Parent Governor

Vulnerable Children 

SEND, Pupil Premium, EAL, Forces and Traveller Children, Tutoring


Bob Edden

Co-opted Governor

Estates and Finance

Compliance, Health and Safety, Website


Charlotte Parker

Staff Governor

Behaviour, Attitudes and Personal Development

Safeguarding, Behaviour, LAC, Attendance, Educational Visits


Maureen Stanley

Local Authority Governor

Behaviour, Attitudes and Personal Development

Safeguarding, Behaviour, LAC, Attendance, Educational Visits


Jo Wren







Governing Body 2023/2024 Members, Terms of Office, Declarations, Meetings Attended

Governor Letter October 2022

Welcome to our governors' section.
This summer, your primary school's governors have been meeting to create their long-term vision for Sellindge Primary School over the next five years. Consultation has taken place with governors, parents, teachers, non-teaching staff, senior leadership and, of course, the pupils.
Our shared 5-Year vision statement aims to capture what the governing board wishes to achieve looking to the future and governors agreed to adopt the Ofsted inspection framework areas of focus in which to organise its contents. The vision is intended to set out the optimal, desired, future outcomes (blue-sky thinking) of what we would like the school to achieve (or have taken clear steps towards) over this time period. It seeks to minimise the effects on aspiration of current and potential barriers and instead inspires the school's leaders, staff, parents, pupils and community stakeholders to give of their very best for the good of the school. The document also helps continually to shape our understanding of why we are doing what we do and offers a steer and longer-term direction when crafting plans in the shorter term.
If you have any comments about the governors' 5-year plan, the document will be reviewed annually and the Chair of Governors would always welcome any feedback along the way.

Sellindge Primary School - Governing Body Development Plan - Sept 2019-Aug 2021
