Our PSHE curriculum aims for all our pupils to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally and develop self-confidence and self-responsibility. By the time they leave Sellindge Primary School, we intend that they will value themselves and others and acknowledge and appreciate difference and diversity. They will be independent, responsible and active members of the school and local community and be prepared to be positive and active members of a democratic society They will earn to make informed choices and understand what constitutes a safe and healthy lifestyle They will develop the ability to form good relationships and understand and manage their emotions. They will have opportunities to consider issues which may affect their own lives and/or the lives of others and have an awareness of British values.
Each year the classes create their own class rules or expectations as part of our PSHE learning.
The teaching of RSE will ensure that all the children learn about issues in a caring and informed way, which dispels myths that they may have acquired and is age appropriate.
At Sellindge School our intention is:
The school will work towards these aims in partnership with parents.